Edit pp2host.conf
-file to setup your passwords.
Edit autohost.ini
-file to setup your fishing settings and lakes and stuff.
Build image:
docker build -t propilkki2server .
Run container:
docker run --name pilkki --rm -i -p 4500:4500 -td propilkki2server
Stop pilkkiminen:
docker stop -t 0 pilkki
Open interactive shell for debugging purposes:
docker exec -it pilkki bash
Nifty way to debug failed startups is to add sleep TIME
-command at the end of launch.sh -script so the container keeps running and you can log in via shell to see what happened.
Commands which can be used by administrator inside the game:
How to join a network game:
ProPilkki server also has some http administrator panel which should respond from http://localhost:4500/Admin.html