
Some notes and demos on SICP compiler(s).

Primary LanguageWebAssembly

Trials on SICP -> WASM compilation

Demonstration: how does SICP register machine code translate to WASM

Translating LISP code for factorial

(define (factorial n)
    (define (iter product counter)
        (if (> counter n) 
            (iter (* counter product)
                  (+ counter 1))))
    (iter 1 1))

by hand à la SICP produces the following register machine code:

  (assign product 1)
  (assign counter 1)
  (test (op >) (reg counter) (reg n))
  (branch (label fact-done))
  (assign product (op *) (reg product) (reg counter))
  (assign counter (op +) (reg counter) (const 1)) 
  (goto (label iter))

Note that the compiler provided in the book of course produces much more complicated code. Translating this register code to WAT by hand can give you a feel on how this intermediate format maps to WASM, however.

Running the demo


python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and visit http://localhost:8000/playground.html for some factorial fun.


  • main is special glue code that knows about the register conventions chosen: n is the input register and product gives the output at the end
  • SICP register code lines map quite nicely to WASM constructs
  • WASM does not have nice switch case structure so I chose to split code sequences between labels to separate functions. These functions are named after the labels.
  • stack is eventually overrun here. It should be trivial to convert to tail-recursive return_call instrcutions.