A code challenge to test and discuss about Fast API. If you randomly found out this repository, this is a challenge that me and my collegues from our study group created so we can practice and discuss Fast API
We will build an API where we can register and search places
An endpoint must be exposed to allow new places to be registered. The places must be persisted to the database.
URL: /places
A place have the fields name, description and location. The request body must follow the JSON contract below
"name": "string"
"description": "string"
"location": {
"latitude": float,
"longitude": float,
Errors like invalid payloads must be treated and appropiate status code and error messages returned. No response body is required.
An endpoint must be exposed to allow places to be search. The places can be filtered by name and location
URL: /places
The response must be paginated with offset-pagination strategy. Feel free to decide the response body schema, the only requirement is that the places must follow the schema below:
"name": "string"
"description": "string"
"location": {
"latitude": float,
"longitude": float,
PlFor name filtering, a fulltext search style must be implemented. The name query string must be included in the URL like in snippet above
For location filtering, latitude, longitude and radius query string must be used together. Only places within the radius requested must be returned.
An API Key authentication must be implemented for all endpoints. The endpoint must expect the API Key to be present in the request headers in the format below
API-KEY: SomeValue
To simplify things, you can configure a fixed API KEY value as an envinronment variable
Feel free to use postgres or mongo as your datastore
Feel free to use the patterns and code architecture you believe is ideal for a production project
The solution must be covered with automated tests
everything must be run inside a docker container