
Shell scripts for setting up new servers

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of scripts for setting up new servers.


Genesis allows splitting set-up scripts into three categories: recipes, roles, and servers.

Recipes are the smallest possible scripts, intended to set up single pieces of software (and no more) such as Apache, Nginx, RVM, etc. Recipies are then combined into "roles" which such as "rails-stack", "mysql-stack", etc.

Finally, servers permit you to set up individual machines using the roles which have been defined. You might for example, wish to combine "rails-stack" and "mysql-stack" roles into a single "standalone" server, or perhaps a "redis" recipie with a "resque-stack" to create a dedicated job server. Server components are also an ideal place to specify machine-specific configuration.

Recipes, roles, and servers should each have their own directory which matches the name of the component, with the following directory structure inside:

- genesis/
  - {recipes,roles,servers}/
    - my-component.sh

      This is main script for the component, and is called by

    - my-component/

      An optional directory containing files (or directories) to
      be copied into the server root. This copy is not performed
      implictly by Genesis, but rather when you run
      genesis_copy_{recipe,role,server}_files with the name of the

So long as you use the provided install_package and run_recipe helpers, Genesis will keep track of the packages and recipes you have run, so you can safely mix-and-match recipes and roles without worrying about installing the same software multiple times.


Genesis should be copied to the new server thusly:

$ rsync -avz --delete -e ssh genesis/ user@machine:genesis

Then run the command with the name of the server to be set up (the -t flag tells OpenSSH to use a pseudo-tty in order to allow you to enter sudo passwords):

$ ssh -t user@machine "sudo -s ./genesis/genesis.sh server-component-name"

... and you're done!

Prior to running the server set-up, Genesis automatically runs the bootstrap and openssh recipies. bootstrap is responsible for updating the system, and openssh will adjust the OpenSSH configuration to disable root login. Do not run genesis.sh until you have added your SSH user to the sudoers file.


genesis.sh [Flags] ServerComponent


--verbose - Toggle verbose mode; instead of silencing the STDOUT of
            commands being run by recipes, outputs everything for
            you to view. Without --verbose, the output of the
            commands being run will be saved to log/run-log.txt.

--dry-dun - Doesn't run any commands, instead outputs a copy of what
            would have been run to ./logs/dry-run.txt