Source :
Author : Anthony Williams
Copyright : 2009-2010
License : MIT License
Octant is a library for aiding the creation of navigation elements. For example:
<li id="nav_home" title="Return to the home page" class="active">
<a href="/">Home</a>
<li id="nav_products" title="Products">
<a href="/products">Products</a>
<li id="nav_contact" title="Contact Us">
<a href="/contact">Contact Us</a>
This sort of UI pattern can be seen on just about every website, and Octant aims to simplify the creation of these elements. The above HTML fragment would be generated by the following definition:
Octant.setup(:default) do |menu|
menu.add(:home, 'Home') do |item|
item.url '/'
item.active_on '*/*'
item.title 'Home page'
menu.add(:products, 'Products') do |item|
item.url '/products'
item.active_on 'products/*'
menu.add(:contact, 'Contact Us') do |item|
item.url '/contact'
item.active_on 'contact/new'
This creates a very basic menu with three items. A "Contact Us" item which will have the "active" CSS class applied on the 'new' action of the 'contact' controller, a "Products" item active on any action belonging to the 'products' controller, and a "Home" item which will be active on any other controller/action pair.
You might sometimes need to add extra content to an item from a controller or action; this can be done with the "inject" option.
Octant.setup(:stuff) do |menu|
menu.add(:comments, 'Comments (%d)') do |item|
item.url '/comments'
item.title 'Comments'
menu.add(:profile, '%s (%d)') do |item|
item.url '/you'
item.title 'Your profile'
# Display the navigation.
display_navigation :stuff, :inject => {
:comments => 6, :profile => ["antw", 1]
The inject
option expects a hash -- with each key matching an item in the
menu into which you wish to add content, and a value which is provided to
<li id="nav_comments" title="Comments">
<a href="/">Comments (6)</a>
<li id="nav_you" title="Your profile">
<a href="/you">antw (1)</a>
Ruby 1.9 users can take advantage of named String#%
Octant.setup(:stuff) do |menu|
menu.add(:profile, '%(name) (%(message_count))') do |item|
item.url '/you'
# Display the navigation.
display_navigation :stuff, :inject => {
:profile => { :name => "antw", :message_count => 1 }
For when you need to hide an item from users (such as items which you only
want to show to administrators), Octant provides the guard
Octant.setup(:has_guards) do |menu|
menu.add(:home, 'Home') do |item|
item.url '/'
menu.add(:settings, 'Settings') do |item|
item.url '/settings'
item.guard :admin
# Display the navigation.
display_navigation :guarded, :guards => { :admin => session.user.admin? }
The above example creates a navigation menu with two items; the settings
item will only be shown to users for whom session.user.admin?
evaluates to
true. Multiple items can share the same guard (i.e. a menu could have several
items which use the admin
guard condition).
display_navigation :stuff, :guards => { :admin => true }
<li id="nav_home" title="Home">
<a href="/">Home</a>
<li id="nav_settings" title="Settings">
<a href="/settings">Settings</a>
... while ...
display_navigation :stuff, :guards => { :admin => false }
<li id="nav_home" title="Home">
<a href="/">Home</a>
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Add tests for it.
Commit, but do not mess with the Rakefile, VERSION, or history. If you want to have your own version, that is fine, but bump version in a commit by itself so that I can ignore it when I pull.
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. But we all know everything is made up and the points don't matter... right?
Montage © 2009-2010 by Anthony Williams. Licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.