
Repository for the project of Getting and Cleaning Data course

Primary LanguageR

Description of run_analysis.R

The script downloads, unzip and creates a clean dataset from the Human Activity Recognition database. Then, the clean dataset is stored in a file named "clean_data.txt". The steps followed to create the clean dataset are:

  • Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement
  • Add the descriptive activity names to the measurement datasets
  • Add the subject to the measurement datasets
  • Merge the training and the test datasets
  • Calculates average of each variable for each activity and each subject

You can find more information about the clean dataset in the CodeBook.md file.


  • The script requires the package plyr
  • The script requires internet connection to download the dataset file. If dataset.zip file is already in the folder then it does not need to download it again.


Antonio Romero