=== ATTANTION === The development of this plugin is inactive! === User Frontend === Contributors: wpcodingde, inpsyde, HerrLlama Donate Link: http://wpcoding.de Tags: user, profile, login, logout, frontend, theme, multisite Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.0.4 License: GPLv3 This plugin restricts the access to the admin panel and provides register, profile, login and logout features inside of the theme. This plugin is multisite-ready. == Description == This plugin restricts the access to the admin panel and provides register, profile, login and logout features inside of the theme. This plugin is multisite-ready. = Languages = This plugin is polyglott. If you want to submit a language, drop a not at "hallo@wpcoding.de" with the subject "User Frontend - Add language $language". Currently available languages: * English * German = Support = At any questions: Please keep in mind that this tool is free. Therefore we can't offer free support. Of course we'll see through the [issue tracker](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/) but we only answer feature requests and critical bugs. Besides this you can use the [wordpres.org forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/user-frontend/) for technical questions. = Planned Features = This plugin already has many features. But there are always more ideas to develope. Some of theme are: * Google Authentication Support * Better Basic Templates (more standard filters, better css-classes) * Basic User-Profile * ... == Frequently Asked Questions == = What links uses this plugin? = The user frontend works directly after activation. Every user will be redirected to the specific pages in the frontend. These are: * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-action/' - This is a custom URL which no user usually sees. It performs some actions, like updating profiles etc. * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-error/' - A custom error page for user mistakes, e.g. wrong nonces * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-login/' - The login page * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-profile/' - The profil edit page * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-register/' - The user registration page * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-reset-password/' - The reset password page * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-forgot-password/' - The forgot password page * 'http://yourdomain.tld/user-activation/' - The user activation page = Can I style my own pages? = Yes you can. As written in the 'Installation'-tab you only have to copy (donot move, just to be sure to have a backup) the templates from <code>/wp-content/plugins/user-frontend/templates/</code> to <code>wp-content/themes/your-theme/user-frontend/</code>. After that edit it wisely. = Where is the logout located? = The logout is a special case. It doesn't have a page to be displayed it is just an action performed by the system. However you can retrive the URL with the function <code>uf_logout_url()</code>. See its documentation for more information. == Installation == 1. Install and activate the plugin the known WordPress-Ways 2. Refresh your permalinks via Options -> Permalinks and click "Save" 3. For Developers: Copy the .php files from the template folder to your active theme folder and change the markup your way == Screenshots == 1. Profile edition with the twentythirteen theme == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.3 = Due to changes in the template include functions you need to move the user frontend specific templates (user-activation.php, user-forgot-password.php, user-login.php, user-profile.php, user-register.php and user-reset-password.php) from the theme root directory to a new folder 'user-frontend' in your theme. == Changelog == = 1.0.4 = * Fixed critical bug with the version checkup, [#16](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/16) = 1.0.3 = * Implemented better Template include, [#10](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/10) * Added /user-error/ as special page, [#11](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/11) * Fixed redirection issues, [#11](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/11) * Disable register if the WordPress Settings tell so, [#12](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/12) * Add filter for the redirection after login, [#13](https://github.com/wpcodingde/User-Frontend/issues/13) = 1.0.2 = * Fixed problems with redirection and templates * Implemented more API-Filters * Added Doc-Block = 1.0.1 = * Update-Tests for WordPress 3.8