
  1. Run cd backend to move to the backend directory
  2. Make sure python is installed by running python3 -V
  3. [Switch to a virtual env if you want] (optional, recommended)
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the dependencies
  5. Run python migrate to apply the models to database
  6. Finally, run python runserver to start the server

API Usage

  1. Create a simple login view
POST /api/login 
  • Include username and password in the body field
  1. Create a single user sign up view
POST /signup 
  • Include username and password in the body field
  1. Create a new note
POST /notes/create
  • Include title and content in the body field
  • Include Authorization: Token <your-token> in the Header field
  1. Retrieve a specific note by its ID
GET /notes/{id}
  • Include Authorization: Token <your-token> in the Header field
  1. Share the note with other users.
POST /notes/share
  • Include note_id and usernames in the body field
  • For multiples usernames, add multiple usernames key value pairs in the body
  • Include Authorization: Token <your-token> in the Header field
  1. Update an existing note.
PUT /notes/{id}
  • Include content in the body field
  1. GET all the changes associated with the note.
GET /notes/version-history/{id}
  • Include Authorization: Token <your-token> in the Header field