
A Deep Reinforcement Learning technique incorporating Actor Critic framework and hybrid value networks to improve the dialogue policy.

Primary LanguagePython

Model-based Offline Multi-Agent Dialogue Policy Learning

This repository reflects the final version for my Reinforcement Learning based internship at Saarthi.ai. The intermediate commits have been removed for privacy reasons.

The complete research and code implementation was based on the paper "Multi-Agent Task-Oriented Dialog Policy Learning with Role-Aware Reward Decomposition", Arxiv Link at arxiv and "Is Your Goal-Oriented Dialog Model Performing Really Well? Empirical Analysis of System-wise Evaluation", Arxiv Link at arxiv.

Codes to run for SGDS Data


Firstly, Download the SGDS Data and run the code datagen.py. Make sure the SGDS-DSTC Data is already present in folder named dstc8-schema-guided-dialogue-master.

datagen.py is a comprehensive data generator which generates major files in the folder dstc-data required as pre-requisite for pre-training.


Secondly, Pre-Train the model to generate datasets.

python3 main.py --pretrain True --save_dir model_pre --data_dir dstc-data --config dstcsgds

Point to be noted, if, dialog policy sys and usr don't run simultaenously, re-run the above code.


Sampling of data is done using the multiprocessing, but due to some issues, it's not working properly. Function: sampler_dstc, file: learner.py

python3 main.py --load model_pre/best --lr_policy 1e-4 --save_dir model_RL --save_per_epoch 4 --data_dir dstc-data --config dstcsgds

Codes to run for Original Data

Adapted from Ryuichi Takanobu's Github

unzip zip under data directory, or simply running

mkdir data/
cd data
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1S2RXrXwsajrdzyyvM0ca_BLfGdb0PBgD
unzip MADPLdata.zip

gdown can be installed via pip: pip install gdown

the pre-processed data are under data/processed_data directory

  • data preprocessing will be automatically done if processed_data directory does not exists when running main.py

Use with Original Data

the best trained model is under data/model_madpl directory

python main.py --test True --load data/model_madpl/selected > result.txt



python main.py {--[option1]=[value1] --[option2]=[value2] ... }

distributed RL is implemented for parallel trajectory sampling. You can set --process to change the number of multi-process, and set --batchsz_traj to change the number of trajectories each process collects before one update iteration.


python main.py --pretrain True --save_dir model_pre

NOTE: please pretrain the model first


python main.py --load model_pre/best --lr_policy 1e-4 --save_dir model_RL --save_per_epoch 1


python main.py --test True --load model_RL/best