Data Structures and Algorithms
My implementation of some popular data structures and algorithms and interview questions relating to them in Python 3 and C++
Contains some popular questions based on bit manipulations.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Check whether a given number n is a power of 2 or 0 |
py |
cpp |
Count number of bits needed to be flipped to convert A to B |
py |
cpp |
Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements |
py |
cpp |
Find the next greater and next smaller number with same number of set bits |
py |
cpp |
Contains some popular questions based on dynamic programming approach.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
0-1 Knapsack Problem |
py |
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Cutting Rod problem |
py |
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minimum number of edits (operations) required to convert ‘str1’ into ‘str2’ |
py |
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Given a 2-D matrix of 0s and 1s, find the Largest Square which contains all 1s in itself |
py |
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Given two sequences, print the longest subsequence present in both of them. |
py |
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Length of the longest subsequence in an array such that all elements of the subsequence are sorted in increasing order |
py |
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Find minimum cost path in a matrix from (0,0) to given point (m,n) |
py |
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Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum |
py |
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Minimum number of umbrellas of m different sizes required to accomodate N people |
py |
cpp |
Determine if there is a subset of the given set with sum equal to given sum |
py |
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Maximum Subarray Problem |
py |
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Given a distance ‘dist, count total number of ways to cover the distance with 1, 2 and 3 steps |
py |
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Contains implementation of Graph data structure and some common questions and algorithms related to it.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Find all possible words in a board of characters |
py |
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Breadth First Search Traversal |
py |
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Depth First Search Traversal |
py |
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Detect Cycle in directed graph |
py |
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Detect cycle in undirected graph |
py |
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Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm |
py |
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Find shortest distances between each pair of vertices in a given edge weighted directed Graph |
py |
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Graph implementation |
py |
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Kruskal's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree |
py |
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Topological Sort |
py |
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Contains implementation of Heap data structure and some common questions and algorithms related to it.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Heap Sort algorithm |
py |
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Max Heap implementation |
py |
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Min Heap implementation |
py |
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Find the median for an incoming stream of numbers after each insertion in the list of numbers |
py |
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Contains implementation of Linked List data structure and some common questions and algorithms related to it.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Clone a linked list with next and random pointer |
py |
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Given a linked list of line segments, remove middle points if any |
py |
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Construct a Maximum Sum Linked List out of two Sorted Linked Lists having some Common nodes. |
py |
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Merge a linked list into another linked list at alternate positions |
py |
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Perform Merge Sort |
py |
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Find Middle Node |
py |
cpp |
Point to next higher value node in a linked list with an arbitrary pointer |
py |
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Find if linked list contains any cycle |
py |
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To select a random node in a singly linked list |
py |
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Find and remove cycle if any |
py |
cpp |
Reverse sub list of K nodes each |
py |
cpp |
Reverse alternate sub list of K nodes each |
py |
cpp |
Reverse a linked list |
py |
cpp |
Bring even valued nodes to the front |
py |
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Implementation of Singly Linked List |
py |
cpp |
Skip M nodes and then delete N nodes alternately |
py |
cpp |
Contains implementation of some common questions and algorithms related to Mathematics.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Fine the number of trailing zeros in factorial of a number |
py |
cpp |
Find the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers |
py |
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print all prime factors of a given number |
py |
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Sieve of Eratosthenes (find prime numbers up to n efficiently) |
py |
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Contains some common algorithms and questions based on Matrix.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Given the Coordinates of King and Queen on a chessboard, check if queen threatens the king |
py |
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Search in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix |
py |
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Given a 2D array, print it in spiral form |
py |
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Contains some miscellaneous questions and algorithms.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Given a dictionary, write a function to flatten it |
py |
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Contains some common questions and algorithms related to strings or 1-d arrays.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Find the longest substring with k unique characters in a given string |
py |
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Find a pattern in a string using KMP search algorithm |
py |
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Find the Kth smallest element in the array |
py |
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Find a pair in an array with sum x |
py |
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Print all valid (properly opened and closed) combinations of n pairs of parentheses |
py |
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reverse the order of the words in the array |
py |
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Find index of given number in a sorted array shifted by an unknown offset |
py |
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Print all permutations of a given string |
py |
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Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Linear Search in an array |
py |
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Binary Search in an array |
py |
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Interpolation Search in an array |
py |
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Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Bubble sort Algorithm |
py |
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Counting sort Algorithm (non-comparision based sorting) |
py |
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Insertion sort Algorithm |
py |
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Sort an array where each element is at most k places away from its sorted position |
py |
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Merge Sort Algorithm |
py |
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Quick Sort Algorithm using last element as pivot |
py |
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Selection sort Algorithm |
py |
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Contains implementation of Tree data structure and some common questions and algorithms related to it.
Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Binary Search Tree implementation |
py |
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Check if a given array can represent Preorder Traversal of Binary Search Tree |
py |
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Find the in-order ancestor of a given node in BST |
py |
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Find the Lowest Common Ancestor |
py |
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Given a sorted array, create a BST with minimal height |
py |
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Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Print Nodes in Bottom View of Binary Tree |
py |
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Check if a binary tree is height balanced |
py |
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Check whether a binary tree is a full binary tree or not |
py |
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Given two binary trees, check if the first tree is subtree of the second one |
py |
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Find the Lowest Common Ancestor in a Binary Tree |
py |
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Create a list of all nodes at each depth |
py |
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Find the maximum path sum i.e. max sum of a path in a binary tree |
py |
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Find minimum depth of a binary tree |
py |
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Remove nodes on root to leaf paths of length < K |
py |
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Given a Perfect Binary Tree, reverse the alternate level nodes of the tree |
py |
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Print Nodes in Top View of Binary Tree |
py |
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Topic/Question |
Code in Python |
Code in C++ |
Implementation of Trie data structure |
py |
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