Vendor Profile Management

Project Setup


  • Python Version 3.12
  • Poetry 1.7.1

Follow the steps in order to setup the project and install the project requirements.

Step 1: Clone the repository

git clone

Step 2: Setup poetry environment

poetry shell

Step 3: Install the project requirements

poetry install --no-root

Step 4: Creating migrations for the project

python makemigrations

Step 5: Applying the migrations

python migrate

Step 6: Create a superuser/admin and provide username and password.

python createsuperuser

This will a superuser with provided username and password.

Step 6: Run the django server

python runserver

Login to the django admin route using provided username and password of the superuser.

🚀 Now, you have successfully logged in as an admin and can test the APIs and database interaction.

Documented APIs

Import the provided JSON link into a tool for API testing, such as Postman. This JSON file contains detailed descriptions of all the API endpoints. You can then thoroughly test each endpoint to ensure its functionality.

Firstly, generate the token using username and password of the superuser using API endpoint /api-token-auth/

This token needs to be provided in the Authorization Header.

Run all the apis using auth token.

Test Suite

Test the purchase order APIs

python test purchase_order.tests

Test the vendor APIs

python test vendor.tests