

yarn add react-video-recorder

# Note: this project has react, react-dom, prop-types & styled-components as peerDependencies,
#       so if you're starting from scratch run this instead:
yarn add react-video-recorder react react-dom prop-types styled-components


Basic usage (edit in stakblitz):

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import VideoRecorder from 'react-video-recorder'

const App = () => (
    onRecordingComplete={(videoBlob) => {
      // Do something with the video...
      console.log('videoBlob', videoBlob)

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

Also check the Storybook for more demos and usage examples.

Note: if you click the "Show info" button in the top-right corner, you should be able to see a table with the supported prop-types.

Modifying the UI

All the UI can be customized by passing the following props:


View that's rendered before the user enables the camera access.

Default value: () => <DisconnectedView />

See <DisconnectedView /> source here.


View that's rendered while the camera is initializing.

() => <LoadingView />

See <LoadingView /> source here.


View that's rendered when the browser does not support inline recording but allows opening the native camera (mainly iOS).

Default value: ({ videoInput }) => <Fragment>{videoInput}</Fragment/>


View that's rendered when the browser does not support recording video.

Default value: () => <UnsupportedView />

See <UnsupportedView /> source here.


View that's rendered an unexpected error occurs.

Default value: () => <ErrorView />

See <ErrorView /> source here.


Overlay that's rendered on top of the views and that contains the elements like the buttons, the timer or the countdown.

See the default implementation here.



node version ">=8.3"

Install packages

yarn install

Run the storybook demo

yarn start


To commit run yarn start then commit. We use Husky to verify before committing.