
Tool that will check/list/create objects in GitHub repositories

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Tool that will check/list/create objects in GitHub repositories

Build And Test

You can specify multiple objects that should be created on GitHub. Currently this supports creating Labels and Milestones.


You can use the ghcreate tool to create labels or milestones in any number of GitHub repositories.

To get started, you can look at the short help for the tool:

 GHCreator.exe  Create objectsFile repos [-token value]
 GHCreator.exe  CreateOrUpdate objectsFile repos [-token value]
 GHCreator.exe  List type repos [-token value]
 GHCreator.exe  Check objectsFile repos [-token value]

If you want to know more about a particular command, you can do that too!

 GHCreator.exe Create objectsFile repos [-token value]
  - objectsFile : The file containing the list of objects to create or check. The structure is: <type>,<name>,<description>,[any other type specific information] (string, required)
  - repos       : The list of repositories where to add the milestones to. The format is: owner\repoName (list, required)
  - token       : The GitHub authentication token. (string, default=)

 GHCreator.exe CreateOrUpdate objectsFile repos [-token value]
  - objectsFile : The file containing the list of objects to create or check. The structure is: <type>,<name>,<description>,[any other type specific information] (string, required)
  - repos       : The list of repositories where to add the milestones to. The format is: owner\repoName (list, required)
  - token       : The GitHub authentication token. (string, default=)

 GHCreator.exe List type repos [-token value]
  - type  : The type of object we want to list (one of Milestone,Label, required)
  - repos : The list of repositories where to add the milestones to. The format is: owner\repoName (list, required)
  - token : The GitHub authentication token. (string, default=)

 GHCreator.exe Check objectsFile repos [-token value]
  - objectsFile : The file containing the list of objects to create or check. The structure is: <type>,<name>,<description>,[any other type specific information] (string, required)
  - repos       : The list of repositories where to add the milestones to. The format is: owner\repoName (list, required)
  - token       : The GitHub authentication token. (string, default=)

Input file format

The tool requires a file that describes the types of objects that need to be created. At this time, it can only create Labels and Milestones.

The format of the file is:


Example of input file

For example, here is a file that will ensure that the labels in GitHub repos follow the Azure-SDK guidelines.

As you can see, you can specify multiple types of objects in the same input file.

Label,Client,This issue points to a problem in the data-plane of the library.,ffeb77
Label,Mgmt,This issue points to a problem in the management-plane of the library.,ffeb77
Label,EngSys,This issue is responsible by the Engineering System team.,ffeb77
Label,Service,This issue points to a problem in the service.,ffeb77
Label,Service Attention,This issue requires the service team to investigate further and is responsible by the service team.,10066b
Label,needs-attention,This issue needs attention from the service team or the SDK team.,3BA0F8
Label,needs-triage,This is a new issue that needs to be triaged to the appropriate team.,ededed
Label,needs-team-triage,This issue needs the team to triage.,ededed
Label,needs-author-feedback,More information is needed from author to address the issue.,f72598
Label,bug,This issue requires a change to an existing behavior in the product in order to be resolved.,eaa875
Label,feature-request,This issue requires a new behavior in the product in order be resolved.,eaa875
Label,question,This issue doesn't require a change to the product in order to be resolved. Most issues start as this.,eaa875
Label,no-recent-activity,There has been no recent activity on this issue.,bbbbbb
Milestone,[2020] June,[2020] June,6/5/2020