
Getting started on managing virtual network in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

services platforms author

#Getting Started with Network - Manage Virtual Network - in .Net #

  Azure Network sample for managing virtual networks -
   - Create a virtual network with Subnets
   - Update a virtual network
   - Create virtual machines in the virtual network subnets
   - Create another virtual network
   - List virtual networks
   - Delete a virtual network.

Running this Sample

To run this sample:

Set the environment variable AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION with the full path for an auth file. See how to create an auth file.

git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/network-dotnet-manage-virtual-network.git

cd network-dotnet-manage-virtual-network

dotnet restore

dotnet run

More information

Azure Management Libraries for C# Azure .Net Developer Center If you don't have a Microsoft Azure subscription you can get a FREE trial account here

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