Spring Boot REST microservice with OpenAPI docs and exported Prometheus metrics

This is a small REST API built with the Spring Boot framework, to illustrate the use of:

  • OpenAPI standard (Swagger) for documentation and interactive testing
  • Exposing metrics via Actuator and Micrometer for Prometheus consumption
  • Testing custom ServiceMonitor and Prometheus alerts coming from service

Domain Model

The domain model is a simple product inventory. You have a list of Products, where each has:

  • id (long, database unique identifier)
  • name (string, 120 chars in length describing item)
  • count (int, how many items are still available)
  • price (double, price of each item in dollars and cents)

These objects are stored in an H2 in-memory database, using JPA for a simple CrudRepository of Product. This database can be browsed with the h2-console web UI at:

The data.sql file populates the database at container startup.

insert into products (id,name,count,price) VALUES (1,'Wrist Watch7',113,24.95);
insert into products (id,name,count,price) VALUES (2,'Coffee Cup',3,5.95);
insert into products (id,name,count,price) VALUES (3,'T-shirt',40,29.99);
insert into products (id,name,count,price) VALUES (4,'LCD Monitor',5,199.00);

The system considers a product in low inventory if there are less than 3 in stock. For example, you can see we start with 3 Coffe Cups, so if even one is purchased, the system will consider this product in low inventory and send alerts.

If there are no items left in stock, the custom ProductHealthIndicator will start reporting "DOWN", at http://localhost:8081/actuator/health. When deployed in Kubernetes, this will cause the container to be marked unhealthy and restarted since this is its healthcheck.

REST Service

The REST service exposes the following resource endpoints:

  • GET /api/product - list all products
  • GET /api/product/{id} - fetch a product by id
  • POST /api/product - create a new product
  • PUT /api/product - create or update a product
  • POST /api/product/{id}/sale - create a sale record for specific product

These services can be invoked from a simple REST client or curl/wget, but they are also self-documented and exposed from the OpenAPI documentation (Swagger) coming from the 'springdoc-openapi-ui' project dependency.

Prometheus Metrics

This service exposes metrics from 3 different endpoints to illustrate multiple ways to achieve Prometheus monitoring integration.

basic build metrics exposed at :8080/metrics:

  • spring_micro_with_actuator - set to 0.0, simply there to test for existence
  • management_server_port - pulled from application.properties, port where /actuator is exposed
  • spring_micro_with_actuator_info - multidimensional metric that pulls info from build.gradle for name, group, version

JVM and custom metrics exposed at :8081/prometheus:

The 'micrometer-registry-prometheus' package by default exposes many generic JVM level metrics such as memory and disk utilization at :8081/prometheus. We can add our own custom metrics to this endpoint by creating a Class that uses constructor injection of the MeterRegistry.

  • number_of_sales - how many items have been sold since the service started
  • total_revenue - the total dollar amount that has been sold using this service (any and all items)
  • low_inventory_count{pid=%d,pname="%s"} - tagged metric that shows products whose count is less than 3
  • sys_env{key="%s",value="%s"} - any environment values that start with 'K8S_', useful to capture environment vars such as 'K8S_node_name' that are passed via K8S Downward API

JVM and custom metrics exposed at :8081/prometheus-custom:

We can expose our own Actuator custom endpoint at ':8081/actuator/prometheus-custom' by using the ControllerEndpoint annotation:

  • custom_number_of_sales - how many items have been sold since the service started
  • custom_total_revenue - the total dollar amount that has been sold using this service (any and all items)
  • custom_low_inventory_count{pid=%d,pname="%s"} - tagged metric that shows products whose count is less than 3
  • custom_sys_env{key="%s",value="%s"} - any environment values that start with 'K8S_', useful to capture environment vars such as 'K8S_node_name' that are passed via K8S Downward API

Prometheus and AlertManager rules

Once these values are scraped using Prometheus, they can be configured for alerts.

For example, here is the PrometheusRule expression that triggers when a product is reaching low levels of inventory (<3 left).

expr: low_inventory_count{}<3

Running as SpringBoot Jar for local development

./gradlew tasks
./gradlew --refresh-dependencies
./gradlew build -x test
# run application in one console
./gradlew bootRun
# run in another console to auto-update when files changed
./gradlew build --continuous

./mvnw compile package
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Building Docker image and running locally

# build docker image locally
./gradlew bootJar docker
# push to Docker Hub
./gradlew bootJar dockerPush


# run in foreground
./gradlew dockerRun
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 --rm fabianlee/spring-micro-with-actuator:$VERSION /bin/bash

# run in background
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 --rm --name spring-micro-with-actuator fabianlee/spring-micro-with-actuator:$VERSION

# create new running container, but go to shell instead of server being run
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash fabianlee/spring-micro-with-actuator:$VERSION

# examine inside of daemonized container where server is being run
docker exec -it spring-micro-with-actuator /bin/bash

# stop container
./gradlew dockerStop
docker stop spring-micro-with-actuator

Deploy on Kubernetes

cd src/main/resources/kubernetes

# create deployment and service
envsubst < deployment-spring-micro-with-actuator.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl get deployment spring-micro-with-actuator

# main ingress for end users of API
kubectl apply -f ingress-spring-micro-rest.yaml
# ingress to validate actuator metrics on mgmt port (this would not be exposed in prod)
kubectl apply -f ingress-spring-micro-actuator.yaml
kubectl get ingress

Monitor with Prometheus Operator

cd src/main/resources/kubernetes

# ServiceMonitor that picks up the three custom metric endpoints for this service
# on main port: /metrics
# on mgmt port: /prometheus, /prometheus-custom
kubectl apply -f servicemonitor-spring-micro-with-actuator.yaml

# rules for product low inventory counts
kubectl apply -f prometheusrule-spring-micro-with-actuator.yaml

# restart AlertManager so changes take affect
kubectl rollout restart statefulsets alertmanager-prom-stack-kube-prometheus-alertmanager -n prom
kubectl rollout status statefulset alertmanager-prom-stack-kube-prometheus-alertmanager -n prom

Project initially created using Spring Intializer

Spring Initializer Web UI

curl https://start.spring.io/starter.zip \
    -d type=gradle-project \
    -d dependencies=web,prometheus,devtools,actuator,thymeleaf,h2,data-jpa \
    -d javaVersion=11 \
    -d bootVersion=2.7.0 \
    -d groupId=$groupId \
    -d artifactId=$artifact_id \
    -d name=$SpringAppClassName \
    -d baseDir=$id \
    -d version=$version \
    -o $id.zip

unzip $id.zip
cd $id
chmod +x ./mvnw ./gradlew


data and JPA


metrics collection
