
A MERN stack, Hostel Booking WebApp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Software Engineering Project

This is a MERN stack application for hostel booking specially aimed towards students

The Demo for the following application can be found at https://youtu.be/13fPLRawYxA

Application Images:

Student dashboard:


Hostel Manager dashboard:


To run the application :

git clone https://github.com/anuj-kh/Khoj--Hostel-Booking-Application.git

For Server:

Create a cluster on MongoDB, then create ID and password for its access and then add those to line 22 inside index.js file

npm install
npm start

For Client:

Create Google maps api key and add it to line 59 inside the client OverViewMain file
Create Google signin api key and add it to line 205 inside the client Auth file

cd client
npm install
npm start