
Technology Version
npm 5.5.5
Node.js 6.11.5
MongoDB 3.4.9
Redis 4.0.8

Name: Anuj Chaudhari (

How to Run the Project

  1. Install NodeJs, MongoDB, Redis locally. [Tested with MacOSX 10.13.3]
  2. Clone or download the repository.
  3. Make sure mongodb and redis database are running locally.
  4. Go to api folder. (package.json file is located here)
  5. run following command, to install node modules locally
    npm install
  1. run following command to start node server which exposes restaurant REST api
    npm start
  1. run following command to run unit tests
    npm test

Database Schema

    _id         : <restaurant_id>,
    name        : <restaurant_name>,
    description : <description>,
    cuisines    : [<cuisines-1>, <cuisines-2>, <cuisines-3>],
    contact_no  : <contact_no>,
    address     : <address>,
    menus       : [
                        menu_id     : <menu_id>,
                        menu_type   : <breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks>,
                        menu_items  : [
                                            item_name   : <item_name>,
                                            description : <item_description>,
                                            price       : <price>,
                                            image_url   : <image_url>


REST API Endpoints

BaseURL : localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1

Endpoint HTTP Verb Functionality Example Success Response Code
/restaurants GET Get list of all the restaurants localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants 200
/restaurants POST Add new restaurant entry in the database. Will return restaurant id as string. localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants 201
/restaurants/:RestaurantID GET Get Restaurant information with the generated restaurant ID localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose 200
/restaurants/:RestaurantID DELETE Delete Restaurant information with the generated restaurant ID localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose 204
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus POST Add new menu to the restaurant with name. Will return menu id as string localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus 201
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus GET Get all menus of a restaurant as array localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus 200
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID GET Get single menu of a restaurant with menuid. localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee 200
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID DELETE Delete single menu of a restaurant with menuid. localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee 204
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID/items POST Add new menu item to the menu. Will return menuitem id. localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items 201
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID/items GET Get all the menu items of the menu as array localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items 200
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID/items/:ItemID GET Get menuitem with menuid localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items/5a797f026d887752a071a6ae 200
/restaurants/:RestaurantID/menus/:MenuID/items/:ItemID DELETE Delete menuitem with menuid localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items/5a797f026d887752a071a6ae 204

REST API Requests

  1. Adding new restaurant
    POST http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants
    201 Created
        "name" : "Starbucks",
        "description": "Starbucks is considered the main representative of second wave coffee, initially distinguishing itself from other coffee-serving venues in the US by taste, quality, and customer experience while popularizing darkly roasted coffee",
        "contact_no": "(408) 275-9368",
        "area": "San Jose",
        "cuisines" : ["cafe"],
        "menu": [{
                    "menu_type" :	"Coffee",
                    "menu_items":	[{
                                        "item_name": "Coffee Latte",
                                        "Description": "coffee with the best flovour of latte",
                                        "price"	: 3
                                        "item_name": "Caffe Mocha",
                                        "Description": "coffee with the best flovour of mocha",
                                        "price"	: 4
                    "menu_type" :	"Tea",
                    "menu_items":	[{
                                        "item_name": "Classic Chai Tea Latte",
                                        "Description": "Classic Chai Tea with the best flovour of latte",
                                        "price"	: 2
  1. Get restaurant details
    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>

    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose
    200 OK
        "description": "Starbucks is considered the main representative of second wave coffee, initially distinguishing itself from other coffee-serving venues in the US by taste, quality, and customer experience while popularizing darkly roasted coffee",
        "contact_no": "(408) 275-9368",
        "area": "San Jose",
        "cuisines": [
        "menu": [
                "menu_items": [
                        "decription": "",
                        "_id": "5a7c16156d887752a071b3a2",
                        "item_name": "Coffee Latte",
                        "price": 3
                        "decription": "",
                        "item_name": "Caffe Mocha",
                        "price": 4
                "_id": "5a7c16156d887752a071b3a0",
                "menu_type": "Coffee",
                "menu_id": "coffee"
                "menu_items": [
                        "decription": "",
                        "item_name": "Classic Chai Tea Latte",
                        "price": 2
                "menu_type": "Tea",
                "menu_id": "tea"
        "locality_count": 0,
        "timestamp": "Tue Feb 06 2018 01:45:33 GMT-0800 (PST)",
        "id": "starbucks-san-jose",
        "name": "Starbucks",

  1. Delete restaurant
    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>

    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose
    204 No Content
  1. Add Menu
    POST http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus
    POST http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus
    201 Created
	"menu_type" :	"Hot Drinks",
	"menu_items":	[{
						"item_name": "Coffee Latte",
						"Description": "coffee with the best flovour of latte",
						"price"	: 3
						"item_name": "Caffe Mocha",
						"Description": "coffee with the best flovour of mocha",
						"price"	: 4
  1. Get Menu
    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus/<menu_type>

    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee
    200 OK
        "menu_items": [
                "decription": "",
                "item_name": "Coffee Latte",
                "price": 3
                "decription": "",
                "item_name": "Caffe Mocha",
                "price": 4
        "menu_type": "Coffee",
        "menu_id": "coffee"
  1. Delete Menu
    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus/<menu_type>

    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee
    204 No Content
  1. Add MenuItem
    POST http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus/<menu_type>/items

    POST http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items
    201 Created
        "item_name": "Hot Chocolate",
        "Description": "hot milk drink with chocolate cyrup",
        "price"	: 3
  1. Get MenuItem
    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus/<menu_type>/items/<item_id>

    GET http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items/5a7c16156d887752a071b3a2
    200 OK
        "decription": "",
        "_id": "5a7c16156d887752a071b3a2",
        "item_name": "Coffee Latte",
        "price": 3
  1. Delete MenuItem
    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/<restaurant-id>/menus/<menu_type>/items/<item_id>

    DELETE http://localhost:3000/zappos/api/v1/restaurants/starbucks-san-jose/menus/coffee/items/5a7c16156d887752a071b3a2
    204 No Content

Redis for Caching

  • To compare the request performace of redis and direct mongodb access, I have added approximatly 30,000 dummy data to the mongodb.

    Import dummy data to mongodb

        cd db_backup
        mongorestore -d anuj_restaurant_api anuj_restaurant_api 
  • So, that when randomly sending a GET request for the first time, I can measure response time and sending the same request again, it will hit the redis cache, I can see the response time improvement in the request.

  • I have attached some screenshots displaying the response time for both the scenario.

    1. MongoDB Access : 70ms
    2. Redis Cache : 5ms
  • MongoDB Hit Alt text

  • Redis Cache Hit Alt text

Unit Tests

Run following command to run unit tests

    npm test

Alt text

Handling millions of request at once

For handling these many request at once we can use multiple servers running the same service and we can put the mongodb database on different machine and not where the node server is currently running.

For this we can use mongodb replicaset as well as load balancer on top of the node server.

If we use AWS services for handling scaling for this type of problem, Here is the server architecture diagram.

I have hosted this service on my AWS EC2 instance. Here is the link for the API server.

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