
Some topics worth knowing in detail as you progress through your career

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Web Topics to Deep Dive

Below is a list of topics worth knowing in detail as you progress through your career of a Web Frontend Engineer. This is just me thinkg out loud and it's a work in progress, I will add more topics as they come to my mind. Also, I will also try to add more details for each of the topics in the list.

  1. Web Performance - A vast topic in itself.

    • Chrome Devtools details and knowledge gained from that
    • Working of browsers
    • How web page loads
    • CDN
  2. JS Module systems

  3. Webpack and other bundlers like Rollup, Esbuild, Parcel, Snow etc

  4. Babel

  5. AST

  6. Service Workers

  7. Web workers

  8. CSS animations - basics atleast

  9. Fonts

  10. Using images like SVG etc

  11. SSR and all the possibilities there

  12. Different ways of serving JS like bundling, tree shaking, chunking etc

  13. Web Vitals

  14. SEO basics

  15. Material Design and some knowledge of UI/UX design

  16. HTTP CORS; OPTIONS and other HTTP verbs

  17. Different types of widely used HTTP req/res headers

  18. Sourcemaps

  19. Reverse proxies like nginx, traefik - hows and whys

  20. Authentication in web apps - different approaches like cookies, JWT, OAuth etc

  21. ...