Example 'db' directory is already present with few words (to see the structure of the 'db' directory.)

  1. download audio files from the link http://download.shtooka.net/eng-wcp-us_flac.tar

  2. unzip 'eng-wcp-us_flac.tar' in 'db' directory tar -C db/ -xvf eng-wcp-us_flac.tar

  3. convert .flac files to .wav files : run convert.py file python3 convert.py "db/flac/" "db/english_audio/"

  4. Run reader.py (.6 is delay time for next word) python3 reader.py "story.txt" "db/english_audio/" .6

  5. download audio files from the link : http://download.shtooka.net/eng-wcp-us_flac.tar

  6. unzip 'eng-wcp-us_flac.tar' in 'db' directory : tar -C db/ -xvf eng-wcp-us_flac.tar

  7. convert .flac files to .wav files : python3 convert.py "db/flac/" "db/english_audio/"

  8. Run reader.py : python3 reader.py "story.txt" "db/english_audio/"
