############################################ SMS DURA API WRAPPER ############################################ @author: Harsha Siriwardena (http://harshadura.github.io) @license: Apache License (see LICENSE file) Credits: SMSLib (http://smslib.org) smsdura jar class: https://gist.github.com/harshadura/4702043 Guide: http://goo.gl/aqwSu --------------------------- Required Software --------------------------- (01) Java 1.6 --------------------------- Prerequisites --------------------------- Java Communications Library Java Comm Installation RxTx Installation Apache log4j Apache Jakarta Commons - NET JSMPP Library --------------------------- External Configurations for the JVM on the targeted machine. (Strictly Recommended!) [These files can be found in <extras> folder of the Project path.) --------------------------- Java Comm Installation <comm dir> ----------------------------------- File comm.jar should go under JDKDIR/jre/lib/ext/ [Normally JDKDIR can be found in > C:\Program Files\Java] File javax.comm.properties should go under JDKDIR/jre/lib/ Library files (i.e. win32com.dll for Win32 or the .so Linux library files) should go under JDKDIR/jre/bin/ If you have a separate JRE directory, do the same copies for the JREDIR directory! RxTx Installation <rxtx dir> ----------------------------------- File RXTXcomm.jar should go under JDKDIR/jre/lib/ext/ The necessary library (e.g.. for Linux 32bit, the librxtxSerial.so) should go under JDKDIR/jre/bin/ If you have a separate JRE directory, do the same copies for the JREDIR directory!
API Wrapper for SMSLib, Simply send SMS using your HSDPA dongle with Java