
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Precog Recruitment Tasks

Folder Structure

├── README.md
├── Task_1
│   └── Paper_Summary.pdf
├── Task_2
│   ├── Dump
│   │   ├── Raw_Tweets.json
│   │   ├── Top_HashTags.json
│   │   ├── Tweets.json
│   │   └── Users.json
│   │   └── App
│   ├── Scripts
│   │   ├── Data_Extraction.py
│   │   └── Raw_Data_Collection.py
│   ├── Tweet_Analysis.ipynb
│   └── Tweet_Analysis.pdf
├── Task_3
│   ├── A
│   │   ├── Files
│   │   ├── MongoDump
│   │   ├── Script.py
│   │   ├── TableExtraction.ipynb
│   │   └── TableExtraction.pdf
│   └── B
│       ├── Parse_XML.py
│       ├── Report.pdf
│       ├── StackOverflowEDA.ipynb
│       └── StackOverflowEDA.pdf
└── requirements.txt

Task 1

Summarised the paper : How Community feedback shapes users behaviour

Task 2

Top HashTag in Delhi : #HappyNewYear

  • Raw_Data_Collection.py : Identify top HashTag and collect 10000 tweets around the top HashTag.
  • Data_Extraction.py : Clean the Raw JSON dumps of tweets and generate dumps which can be loaded directly as Dataframes.
  • Tweet_Analysis.ipynb : Analysis of Tweets and Users.

App Alternatively run python app.py

Task 3


  • Script.py : Given path to local pdf file location, captures the tables and stores them as in the same location.
  • TableExtraction.ipynb : The generalised script did not perform well for the files provided. Hence I tweaked it and tried to get best results for each file. The results are given as MongoDB dump.


  • Parse_XML.py : Parses the XML files and stores them in the MongoDB Database as a collection. Drive Link
  • StackOverflowEDA.ipynb : Exploratory Data Analysis on Stack Overflow Data.

Loading MongoDump

Go to the approproate folders and run the following commands on the shell.

mongorestore PDF_Extraction

mongorestore StackOverflowDB

Required Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt