
a simple RPC server for controlling a maya.standalone instance remotely

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Provides a simple RPC server for controlling a maya.standalone instance remotely.

To use as a server, execute this file from the MayaPy interpeter:

mayapy.exe   path/to/standaloneRPC.py

to connect to a server and issue commands:

import standaloneRPC as srpc
cmd = srpc.CMD('cmds.ls', type='transform')
>>> {success:True, result:[u'persp', u'top', u'side', u'front'}

See the CMD class and send_command methods for details.


This module is NOT an attempt to provide a full-blown rpc server! It's a quick way for maya users to control a maya standalone instance without the commandPort!

As such, this provides NO security so anyone who knew that an instance was running will have complete control over the target machine! This is DANGEROUS outside of controlled conditions! Do not expose a standalone running this to the internet.

This also makes no effort to providing proxy services or marshalling - only basic data types can be sent and received.

To drive these points home, we do not use the standard JSON-RPC protocol. That is to make sure this doesn't get confused with a real, robust, and secure RPC serrver.

If you want something more robust, sophisticated and general you should check out

JSON-RPC https://pypi.python.org/pypi/json-rpc 


TINYRPC https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tinyrpc/0.5.


RPYC    http://rpyc.readthedocs.org/en/latest/