Hi there 👋

I'm currently studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I have successfully worked on production level projects regarding android and web. I’m currently perfecting my skills with ReactJS and Android MVP Architecture and looking to collaborate on opensource and group projects.

Connect with me

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My Production Level Projects

Android Apps

I have worked as a part time Android developer in BYDO Engineering and worked alongside the Backend team to develop these two apps. BYDO Engineering holds the copyright of the code base, that's why I cannot share the private repository. Here are the links to the google play store pages.

My Public Android app Templates (For Beginners)

Web Apps

This is a research based project under IWFM, BUET. This project is funded by ICT Division Bangladesh.
Early Warning System for River Erosion

I was one of the lead front end developers in MyLens project.

My Skill Set


React CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript Dart Android


JavaScript Node.js Git Oracle AWS


Illustrator Premiere Pro After Effects Adobe XD Figma Photoshop

My Academic Projects

These are the projects that I made during my Academic years at BUET

The projects can be found here

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