  • Every 1 minute service connects to sftp and checks if there are new or modified files.
  • Service downloads and syncs all the new files to local path.
  • If remote file modified, same local file also gets updated.
  • All file and directory info is stored in Datatabse (postgresql).
  • EF core code first migration used.
  • Project developed using Service oriented architecture (Repository pattern, Unit of work).
  • Solution is divided with foud sub projects, such as Web, Core, Domain & Infrasruction.
  • For background job , Hangfire is used
  • For Logging, Serilog is used.
  • SSH server is configurable from AppSettings.json

Database Migration

For database context and migration , refer to project MediaFon.FileManager.Infrastructure.

cd MediaFon.FileManager.Infrastructure

Apply Migration

dotnet ef database update

App Settings

Change SFTP Server configuration from appsetting.json

  "SSH_Settings": {
    "SFTP_SERVER": "",
    "SFTP_USER": "root",
    "SFTP_PASS": "Password",
    "SFTP_PORT": 22,
    "UserDefinedRemoteWorkingDirectory": "/C:/SFTP", // Starting forward slash before 'C:/' is required
    "BackgroundJobInterval": 1,
    "LocalFileStoreLocation": "LocalFileStorage" // Folder should be within the Web Application directory

Start Application

MediaFon.FileManager.Web is the start up project to run the application.

Api Enpoints URL

Background Jobs Realtime Dashboard