
Convert your C# record type to class type

Primary LanguageC#


Convert your C# record type to class type

Often while creating POCO or DTO type , we use C# record or class type. Many times we have to manually convert C# class to record type or vice versa which is time consuming.

Lets automate this:

for example we have a record type: Now we want to convert it to a class or vice versa

Here is the simple C# program to do it:

string RecortToClass(string input) {
  string recordNamePattern = @ "\s+record\s+(\w+)";
  string propertyPattern = @ "\s+(\w+\??)\s+(\w+)\s*[,]?\s*$";
  var result = new StringBuilder();
  Match recordNameMatch = Regex.Match(input, recordNamePattern);
  if (recordNameMatch.Success && recordNameMatch.Groups.Count == 2) {
    string recordName = recordNameMatch.Groups[1].Value;
    result.Append($"public class {recordName}");
  // Extract properties
  MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, propertyPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline);
  result.Append($"\n {{");
  foreach(Match match in matches) {
    string type = match.Groups[1].Value; // property type
    string name = match.Groups[2].Value; // property name
    if (type.ToLower() != "record")
      result.Append($"\n \t public {type} {name} {{ get; set; }}");
  return result.ToString();