
Convolutional neural network that does real-time emotion recognition.detects faces in video and images, classifies the emotion on each face, then replaces each face with the correct emoji for that emotion. Based on Caffe and the "Emotions in the Wild" network available on Caffe model zoo

Primary LanguagePython


Real-Time Facial Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Nets


takes pictures or webcam video as input. It detects all faces in each frame, and then classifies which emotion each face is expressing.Then replaces each face with an emoji corresponding to that emotion. Recognized emotions:Neutral, Happy, Sad, Angry, and Surprise.

Training accuracy was 91% and test accuracy was 75%, with the following requirements:

  • User's facial expression must be strong / exaggerated
  • Adequate Lighting (no shadows on face)
  • Camera is at eye level or slightly above eye level


  • Python 3
  • Packages for Caffe and OpenCV
  • Webcam

Main scripts:

  • gather_training_data.py - Use this to generate a custom training set
  • process_dataset.py - Read in an entire training set and calculate accuracy over the set
  • process_image.py - Read in a single image, add the correct emoji, and write to file
  • video_test.py - Run in real-time.

Utility functions:

  • caffe_functions.py - Helper Functions dealing with caffe
  • opencv_functions.py - Helper Functions dealing with opencv
  • utility_functions.py - General functions mostly related to file I/O


Cohn-Kanade Plus (CK+) and Japanese Female Facial Expressions (JAFFE) can be downloaded online.

Caffe Files:

  • deploy.prototxt - Architecture of The CNN model
  • solver.prototxt - This configures the retraining process.
  • train.prototxt - This configures the architecture during training.
  • loss_history.txt - Log file from our last retraining on our dataset