Data Engineer - Take Home Test

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This test has been designed to give candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of ETL, SQL and Data Warehousing.

Technology agnostic

Feel free to use any language or technology you are most comfortable with.


Save SQL files to SQL, exports to EXPORT and scripts to SCRIPTS.

  1. Design and create a SQL schema to store the amazon-cell-phone files.

  2. Write a script to load the .csv data into the tables created in step 1.

  3. Write a script to export the table data into the EXPORT folder in .csv format.

  4. Write a script to search Amazon for an ASIN and then update the fields in the items table.

  5. Download GSMARENA database from

  6. Write an ETL script to:

    1. Find a match on items.title with a GSMArena Model.
    2. Save 4 additonal meta fields into items from the GSMArena data.
    3. Transform the network_technology field into a ; delimited string and save this into a new field in items
  7. Write a SQL statement which to display the following;

    ASIN, TITLE, Count of reviews from reviews table.

  8. Using the data from step 7, generate a Pie chart in Microsoft Excel/gSheets to show the top 10 products with the highest number of reviews. Export file to -Exports

  9. Given you had 4 months of development time, how would you go about setting up an automation for step 6 that runs hourly, 7 days a week. (Include technology arangement, alternatives, reasons why and pricing)

  10. Several stakeholders love the report built in step 7. How would you go about making this available for them to run on demand?