What does it do ? - For the detected terms in a text, this application will try to find relevant links from VIVO sites. It uses OpenCalais to find the terms and GWT to do Google site search. To use this tool, copy a news article into the text box below, keep the length of text between 400 - 1000 characters and select the VIVO site to find most probable links from that site. After you hit submit, the text in the text box should change with link tags and a dialogbox should appear with modified text. Best results will be achieved if news article is relevant to selected site. For instance, you could try an article from Cornell Chronicle and select VIVO Cornell to be the site from which links should be retrieved. Terms will only be highlighted if there exists a search result for the same (in selected site). Note: If no site is selected, raw google search will be done on detected terms in the text.