
The tus.io website

Primary LanguageHTML


The tus.io website.

To work on the site locally, type:

cd ~/code
git clone git@github.com:tus/tus.io.git
make preview

This will run a chain of different Makefile targets that will install prerequisites, download the latest version of our protocol, community info, and then build all e.g. markdown & less files to html & css into _site.

It will then fire up a Jekyll server and will offer you to click on where the tus.io site will be running.

When you make changes, Jekyll automatically rebuilds, and you can refresh your browser after a few seconds.


tus.io is deployed onto GitHub pages, but since we have many custom build requirements that GitHub can't support for us (like building community pages and the protocll), we curate content in master, build ourselves locally, then directly push artifacts to to the gh-pages branch of the tus.io repo on GitHub.

make deploy

This compiles the Jekyll source into ./_site, copies that into a random TMPDIR, initializes a Git repo there, and force-pushes to the gh-pages branch of the tus.io repo.

Up to ten minutes later (but mostly after a few seconds), GitHub will have updated the tus.io site accordingly.

How to add your company/project logo to the site

Just edit logos.yml directly and save - this will send us a PR. We will download and include the externally linked logo ourselves later on via make download-logos && make optimize-logos.