Disable or enable any wifi network which are discovered in the range of your device PC or router
Disable or enable any wifi network which are discovered in the range of your device PC or router
note that you must be using a wireless external adaptor beacause monitor mode will not work if you using virtual lab it may work if you are using live kali so remember using a external wifi adaptor
Consists of subprocess,optparse and we can also use time module(for how much time you want to disable your or any other discovered wifi)
this is going to be interesting as we are mainly using tools which are already in kali such as
airmon - for enabling monitor mode
airodump - for dumping all nearby networks
aireplay - for applying deauthentication packets or for disabling the wifi
you can follow the steps:
entering argument -i or --iface
now our wireless module is going to monitor mode
Monotor mode you can see ether part is encrypted now
entering the modified interface or entering the same if it doesn't modified
discovering networks wifi and devices connected to them
entering the target details
now our adaptor is on target mac
now running the aireplay command on new shell now the target network is disabled till it runs