CarZone Refurbished Cars

Powered By Django


  • Uses Django
  • Django Enables
  • Django Provides Us An Admin Page To Manipulate Data
  • Statically Generate User Friendly UI
  • User Authentication
  • User Friendly UI And Animations
  • PostgreSQL Database (Faster And Developer Friendly)
  • PostgreSQL Does Not Require Much Of SQL

CarZone Refurbished Is A Website Powered By Django That Enables Server Side Rendering Most Commonly Known As (SSR) We Promise To Satisfy Our Client And Our Customers Through This Medium By Selling Used And Refurbished Cars

Tools And Technologies Used:

  1. Django
  2. JavaScript
  4. BootStrap
  5. GitHub
  6. Python
  7. Bash


  1. Create A File
  2. Create A Virtual Env
virtualenv (V ENV Name) 
cd (V ENV Name)
source bin /activate
  1. Install Django Using Pip3
sudo pip3 install django
  1. Create A Django Project
django -admin startproject project name 
cd project name 
  1. Run Python Server
python runserver


Looking Forward To Contributing ? Send In A Pull Request You Will Hear From Us Soon : )


  1. Anurag Pandey
  2. Sarthak Sharma Naik
  3. Stallone Fernandes

Feel Free To Reach Out To Us On Our Socials