Kafka Connect MarkLogic is a sink only connector to pull messages from Kafka to store in MarkLogic as JSON documents. Consider using Kafka MarkLogic Sync Connector for the following usecases.
- Near realtime ingestion requirements.
- Regulate the traffic towards MarkLogic.
- Requirement to maintain the order of the messages.
- A Kafka ecosystem exists.
- Replay messages using an offset.
Please refer to this branch for MarkLogic 8 version.
This project is about the component marked in green. Refer here to see the available list of source connectors.
Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka installed and running in your machine. Please refer to respective sites to download and start ZooKeeper and Kafka.
The MarkLogic is a multi-model schemaless NoSQL database to store, manage, and search JSON, XML, and RDF triples. For more details, please refer to MarkLogic official website.
Apache Kafka is an open-source stream processing platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. For more details, please refer to kafka home page.
To send data to MarkLogic, this connector make use of MarkLogic REST API. By default the /v1/documents endpoint at port 8000 is used. You may change that in the marklogic-sink.properties file. You may use your own REST/Service extension instead of the out of the box document API to do any transformation on the way in.
To listen to multiple topics, please add the topic name in the marklogic-sink.properties file. Current implementation will take the topic name and use it as the MarkLogic document collection name.
MarkLogic is a schemaless document store/NoSQL database. Since we are working with plain JSON data, we don't need a schema to serialize and deserialize the messages.
For stand-alone mode, please copy kafka_home/config/connect-standalone.properties
to create kafka_home/config/marklogic-connect-standalone.properties
file. Open kafka_home/config/marklogic-connect-standalone.properties
and set the following properties to false.
For distributed mode, please copy kafka_home/config/connect-distributed.properties
to create kafka_home/config/marklogic-connect-distributed.properties
file. Open kafka_home/config/marklogic-connect-distributed.properties
and set the following properties to false.
In distributed mode, if you run more than one worker per host, the rest.port
settings must have different values for each instance. By default REST interface is available at 8083.
This is maven project. To create an uber jar, execute the following maven goals.
mvn clean compile package shade:shade install
Copy the artifact kafka-connect-marklogic-1.0.jar
to kakfa_home/lib folder.
Copy the marklogic-sink.properties file into kafka_home/config folder. Update the content of the property file according to your environment.
Alternatively, you may keep the kafka-connect-marklogic-1.0.jar
in another directory and export that directory into Kafka class path before starting the connector.
Open a shell prompt, move to kafka_home and execute the following.
bin/connect-standalone.sh config/marklogic-connect-standalone.properties config/marklogic-sink.properties
Open a shell prompt, move to kafka_home and execute the following.
bin/connect-distributed.sh config/marklogic-connect-distributed.properties config/marklogic-sink.properties
A couple of example message producers are available here.
Create an issue in the GitHub.
Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
Drop me a line - ml@sanju.org