
Maps excel fle columns to correct columns.

Primary LanguagePython

Data Import and Mapping Web App

This web app maps excel file columns to thier appropriate columns and uploads that data to a database.
This is a portion of the actual app originally developed for Conscript HR Advisors.

You can also access the web app here : data-import-mapper.herokuapp.com

Run this app locally

  1. To run this app locally, first clone this repository.
  2. Change directory to the directory in which app.py is located.
  3. Run the following command:
flask run

Tech Stack

  1. HTML, CSS
  2. Javascript, jQuery
  3. Python, pandas, numpy
  4. Flask


  1. You need to pip install the requirements in requirements.txt, if you don't have them already.
  2. Procfile, sample folder are not essential to this app.