
Contest Pages is a web application that displays upcoming contests from many compitative programming contest like codeforces,atcoder,leetcode,codechef. Simple extension for lazy people like me ;) Currently deploying in firefox......

link -


  • Fetches and displays upcoming contests from AtCoder and Codeforces.
  • Sorts the contests based on the start time in ascending order.
  • Clickable links to the contest pages for more details.

Folder Structure

  • src/ - Contains the source code for the application.
    • AtCoderPage.js - React component for the AtCoder contest page.
    • CodeforcesPage.js - React component for the Codeforces contest page.
    • index.js - Entry point for the React application.
  • public/ - Contains the public files for the application.
    • index.html - HTML template for the application.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript - Programming language used for the application logic.
  • HTML - Markup language for structuring the web page.
  • CSS - Styling language for designing the UI.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.