
The primary focus of this project is to develop a Hindi stemmer and integrate it with the Hindi search engine based on lucene.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About This Project:

Project Report: https://github.com/anuragiiits/Lucene-based-Hindi-Search-Engine/blob/master/Reports/Final_Report.pdf

Slides: https://github.com/anuragiiits/Lucene-based-Hindi-Search-Engine/blob/master/Reports/Project_Slides.pdf

Steps to run the project:

	Navigate to DjangoProject/IR_Project/

Step2:(requires python 3 and java8)

	pip install -r requirements.txt


	python manage.py runserver


	go to localhost:8000 in browser

Note: The Project doesn't work for hindi script in some devices such as windows due to command prompt text encoding issues for Hindi Text. So make sure to run this project in a linux os.

Note2: The Project Source Code for lucene search engine is in the root folder.

Team Members:

  • Anubhav Ujjawal S20160010005
  • Anurag Gupta S20160010006
  • Garvit Kataria S20160010028