
KA Lite central server code (wraps the ka-lite repository and adds features)

Primary LanguagePython

KA Lite Central Server

This is the code for the KA Lite Central Server: https://kalite.learningequality.org

Environment Setup

  1. Install requirements:
  2. Get the codebase: git clone --recursive https://github.com/fle-internal/ka-lite-central.git (if you're planning to make changes, you should fork the repo and clone your fork instead)
  3. Install the dependencies listed in packages.json: sudo npm install
  4. Install grunt: sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
  5. Go into the centralserver directory: cd centralserver
  6. Set up the server: python manage.py setup
  7. Return to the root directory: 'cd ..'
  8. Run grunt in the root directory: grunt
  9. Return to the code directory: cd centralserver
  10. Set up a custom centralserver/local_settings.py file (see below)
  11. Run the server: python manage.py runserver

Pointing distributed ka-lite servers to local central server

After cloning the distrbuted server codebase from https://github.com/learningequality/ka-lite, add the following to its kalite/local_settings.py prior to running install.sh or install.bat:


This will cause it to point to your locally running instance of the central server for registering and syncing.

Local_settings.py setup

You may create a centralserver/local_settings.py file to customize your setup. Here are a few options to consider:

For debugging

  • DEBUG = True - turns on debug messages
  • EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" - will output email messages (like account registration and contact) to the console
  • USE_DEBUG_TOOLBAR = True - Use the Django debug toolbar, which gives info about queries, context values, and more!

For building language packs

  • CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID and CROWDIN_PROJECT_KEY - these are private; you'll have to get in touch with a (FLE) team member who has them.
    • KA_CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID and KA_CROWDIN_PROJECT_KEY - these are private (from Khan Academy); you'll have to get in touch with a (FLE) team member who has them.