
This is a part of my daily plan to study python and data structures


  1. sorting-algorithms
    1. Bubble Sort
    2. Insertion Sort
    3. Selection Sort
    4. Merge Sort
    5. Quick Sort
  2. python-data-structures-book
    1. python-primer
      1. some examples of List Comprehension
      2. recursion examples
      3. print formatting examples
  3. interview-questions
    1. find nth smallest in the set
  4. Concepts
    1. Linked List
      • size()
      • empty()
      • value_at(index)
      • push_front(value)
      • push(value)
      • pop_back()
      • pop_front()
      • front() - gets the value from the front of the list
      • back() - gets the value from the back of the list
      • insert(index,value) - index starting from 0
      • erase(index) - removes node at any position
      • value_n_from_end(n) - where n is index from end starting from 0
      • reverse()
      • remove_value(value) - removes the first occurance of node with value
    2. Mutable Array
  5. Cracking The Coding Interview
    1. Linked List
      1. 2.1_RemoveDups
      2. 2.2_ReturnKthFromLast
      3. 2.3_DeleteMiddleNode
      4. 2.4_Partition
      5. 2.5_SumLists
      6. 2.6_Palindrome