Let's Prepare for the Interview


  1. What is difference between HTML tags, elements and attributes?
  2. What are HTML entities?
  3. What are different types of lists in HTML?
  4. What is difference between “id attribute” and the “class attribute” of HTML elements?
  5. List various types of formatting tags in HTML with example.
  6. Explain the usage of <!DOCTYPE> in HTML.
  7. What is the significance of the <head> and <body> tag?
  8. State the difference between inline and block element.
  9. What is the difference between <link> and <a> tag?
  10. What is differences between the HTML vs HTML5.
  11. What is forms in HTML?
  12. Explain the types of inputs in HTML with example.
  13. What is the difference between <figure> tag and <img> tag?
  14. Explain the importance of meta tags and their types.
  15. What are Sematic elements?
  16. What is difference between <meter> tag and <progress> tag?
  17. What is difference between SVG and Canvas HTML5 element?
  18. Explain the concept of web storage in HTML5.
  19. What is comment in HTML and its type and usage?
  20. What are the empty elements?
  21. What is the advantage of collapsing white space?
  22. What is hyperlink? What is its need?
  23. What is the need of alt tag in img tag?
  24. What is difference between HTML and XHTML?
  25. What is difference between absolute and relative URL?
  26. What is the role of action attribute in HTML forms?
  27. What is the role of method attribute in HTML forms?
  28. What is a marquee in HTML?
  29. What is grouping tag in HTML?
  30. What is accessibility in HTML?


  1. What is the advantages of using the CSS?
  2. What are the limitations of CSS?
  3. How to include CSS in the webpage. Explain all the different methods to do so.
  4. Explain the different types of selectors in CSS.
  5. What is the difference between CSS and CSS3?
  6. What is comment in CSS and its type and usage?
  7. What is CSS units and its type?
  8. Explain the concept of CSS box model.
  9. Explain the difference between relative and absolute CSS property.
  10. Explain the float CSS property.
  11. What is z-index?
  12. Explain the difference between visibility: hidden and display: none.
  13. Explain the difference between transition and animation.
  14. What are the CSS frameworks and its importance?
  15. Explain @keyframe in CSS.
  16. Explain @media in CSS.
  17. What is function in CSS?
  18. What do you mean by responsive web design in CSS?
  19. What is a CSS preprocessor?
  20. Explain difference between Pesudo elements and Pesudo classes.
  21. How to use google font in CSS?
  22. What is difference between border box and content box?
  23. What is difference between Grid and Flexbox layout?
  24. What does !important mean in CSS?
  25. Explain the CSS specificity.
  26. Explain the different methods for using the color code.
  27. What is margin collapse?
  28. What is difference between Grid and table?
  29. What is the difference between box shadow and drop shadow?
  30. What is the different CSS link state?
  31. What is difference between RGB and RGBA?
  32. What is CSS pre-processor?
  33. What are CSS sprites?
  34. What are the different media types allowed by CSS?
  35. What is BEM naming convention?
  36. What is flex container and flex items?
  37. What is difference between align item and align content?
  38. What is CSS webkit?
  39. What is the purpose of using box-sizing border-box property?
  40. What is difference between SASS and LESS?


  1. What is Primitive data type in JS?
  2. What is difference between primitive and non-primitive data types?
  3. What is difference between null and undefined data types?
  4. What is difference between == and === operators?
  5. Explain the implicit type coercion in javascript.
  6. What is a NaN property in JS?
  7. Explain pass by value and pass by reference in JavaScript.
  8. What do you mean by strict mode in JavaScript?
  9. What is Hoisting?
  10. What is Temporal Dead Zone?
  11. What is difference between let, var and const?
  12. Why do we use debugger word in javascript?
  13. What is function?
  14. What is IIFE?
  15. What is HOF?
  16. Explain map, filter and reduce?
  17. Explain this keyword in javascript.
  18. Explain window keyword in javascript.
  19. Explain call, apply and bind in javascript.
  20. What is regex in javascript?
  21. What is currying in javascript?
  22. Explain scope and scope chaining in javascript.
  23. Explain closure in javascript.
  24. What is callback function in javascript?
  25. Explain the concept of Memoization in javascript.
  26. What is DOM?
  27. What is difference between DOM and BOM?
  28. What is difference between Client side and server side javascript?
  29. What is an Arrow function? Explain the difference between normal function and arrow function.
  30. What is difference between rest and spread operators?
  31. What is promise in javascript?
  32. What is call stack?
  33. What is difference between local storage and session storage?
  34. Explain the working of setTimeOut and setInterval.
  35. What is asynchronous javascript?.
  36. Explain the execution of a javascript code.
  37. Explain destructuring.
  38. Explain prototype in javascript.
  39. What is OOJS? 40: What is ES6 and what were the new improvements in it?
  40. What is Node JS? Why it is needed in javascript?
  41. What is babel? What is the need of it in javascript?
  42. Explain the class keyword on ES6.
  43. What is class constructor?
  44. What is difference between object constructor and function constructor?
  45. What are the features of JavaScript?
  46. What are the different ways to create an object?
  47. What are the conventions of naming a variable in javascript?
  48. What are imports and exports in javascript?
  49. What is difference between document and window in javascript?
  50. What do you mean by statically typed and dynamically typed language?
  51. What is difference between exec() and test() methods?
  52. What are the advantages of using the external javascript?
  53. What are the types of errors in javascript?
  54. What are generator functions?
  55. What is a weakSet and weakMap?
  56. What is difference between prototypal and classical inheritance?
  57. What is difference between event capturing and event bubbling?
  58. What is pure and impure function?
  59. What is difference between nodelist and html collection?


  1. What is react?
  2. What are the advantages of using react?
  3. What are the limitations of react?
  4. What is JSX?
  5. What are the ways to create a new react app?
  6. What is NPM?
  7. What is the difference between npm and yarn? Which one to use and why?
  8. What is the difference between package.json and package.lock.json file?
  9. What is component is react?
  10. What is props in react?
  11. What is state in react?
  12. What is difference between props and state?
  13. What is difference between functional and class components?
  14. What is virtual dom in react?
  15. What is props drilling?
  16. What is react hooks?
  17. Explain the important hooks in react.
  18. Explain the working of useEffect hook.
  19. What is custom hook?
  20. What is strict mode in react?
  21. What is bundler and its need in react?
  22. What are the techniques used to optimise the react app performance?
  23. What are the different phases of component life cycle?.
  24. What is controlled and uncontrolled component in react?
  25. What is the need of key prop while rendering list object?
  26. What are the higher order function?
  27. What is react router dom?
  28. What is difference between using “a tag” and “link tag” from react router dom?
  29. How to create dynamic routes?
  30. Explain conditional rendering in react.
  31. What is reconciliation algorithm in react?
  32. What is redux toolkit?
  33. What is difference between context hook and redux toolkit? Why we should prefer redux toolkit over context hook?
  34. What is the importance of react dev tool?
  35. What is the importance of redux dev tool?’
  36. What is SPA?
  37. What is webpack and babel?
  38. What is a CDN and how to use CDN for react?
  39. What is difference between useState and useReducer hook?
  40. What is axios?
  41. What is action, store and reducer in redux?
  42. How to make an API call while using redux toolkit?
  43. What is jest and react testing library?
  44. What is lazy loading?
  45. What are the different features provide by a bundler?


  1. Explain the difference between frontend and backend development?
  2. What is the difference between JavaScript and Node.js?
  3. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous functions?
  4. What is NodeJS? Explain in detail the working of NodeJS.
  5. What is NPM?
  6. Explain CommonJS vs ModuleJS syntax in NodeJS with examples.
  7. What is the package.json file?
  8. Explain Event Loop in Node.js?
  9. How do you install, update, and delete a dependency(global, local, and dev)?
  10. How do you manage packages in your Node.Js project?
  11. How do you create a simple server in Node.js that returns Hello World?
  12. What is Express and why use it?
  13. How do you create a simple Express.js application?
  14. What is callback hell? How do we overcome it?
  15. What is the purpose of an API (Application Programming Interface) in a backend application?
  16. Explain the concept of routing and how it is implemented in backend frameworks.
  17. Explain the concept of middlewares in Node/Express.
  18. What are the different types of HTTP requests?
  19. Explain about different HTTP status codes in detail.
  20. Difference between SQL and NoSQL databases.
  21. What is MongoDB and its advantages and disadvantages?
  22. How would you connect a MongoDB database to Node.js?
  23. What is mongoose and why use it?
  24. What is RDBMS? How is it different from DBMS?
  25. What are Constraints in SQL?
  26. What is a Primary Key, Foreign Key and difference between them?
  27. What is a Join? List its different types.
  28. What is an Index? Explain its different types.
  29. What is a Query?
  30. List the different types of relationships in SQL.
  31. What is Normalization and Denormalization?
  32. What are TRUNCATE, DELETE, and DROP statements and differences between them?
  33. How do you handle error and exception handling in node/express application?
  34. How do you handle input validation and data sanitization in a backend application?
  35. How do you handle cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in a backend application?
  36. What are the key considerations when designing a RESTful API?
  37. What are the differences between stateless and stateful communication in a backend system?
  38. How do you handle versioning in a backend API?
  39. What is the purpose of rate limiting and the process of implementing rate limiting to prevent abuse or excessive API usage.
  40. What is the role of web sockets in real-time communication in a backend application?
  41. How does caching improve the performance of a backend application?
  42. Describe the process of implementing a caching strategy for a backend application.
  43. How do you handle database transactions in a backend application?
  44. Explain the concept of data sharding and its benefits in scaling a backend database.
  45. What is the role of indexing in a database and how does it impact performance?
  46. Describe the process of authentication and authorization in a backend application.
  47. How do you ensure the security of sensitive data in a backend system?
  48. What are worker threads in NodeJS?
  49. Explain the concept of containerization and its benefits in backend deployment.
  50. How do you ensure high availability and fault tolerance in a backend system?
  51. What is the role of a reverse proxy in backend infrastructure?
  52. Describe the process of scaling a backend application horizontally and vertically.
  53. How do you handle long-running tasks in a backend system?
  54. Explain clustering in NodeJS and how do we achieve it?
  55. Explain the concept of Access Token, Refresh Token.
  56. Explain the concept of serverless computing and its benefits in backend development.
  57. What are the key considerations for securing a backend application against common vulnerabilities?
  58. Explain the concept of event-driven architecture and its use in backend systems.
  59. What are the benefits of using microservices architecture in backend development?
  60. What is the role of a service mesh in microservices architecture?
  61. Describe the role of a load balancer in a distributed backend system.
  62. Explain the concept of message queues and their significance in backend architecture.
  63. Explain the concept of eventual consistency in distributed databases.
  64. What are the best practices for logging and error handling in a backend application?
  65. Describe the process of designing and implementing a task scheduling system.
  66. How do you ensure data integrity and prevent data corruption in a backend system?