AskMyBook is an interactive platform where you can ask questions about your favorite books!
The repository primarily uses the following languages:
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
You can clone the repository by running the following command in your terminal:
$ git clone
- Navigate to the project folder.
$ cd askmybook
- Install the dependencies:
$ npm install
Thank you for considering contributing to AskMyBook project. You can contribute to the project by following the steps below:
Fork this repository. -On the top right section of this page click on "Fork" button. -Make sure to check on "Copy the main branch only" as it will allow you to make changes by creating a branch. -Press "Create Fork" this will create a copy of the project's repository. -Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.
Clone the forked repository.
$ git clone{your_username}/askmybook.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
$ cd askmybook
- Create new a branch and checkout to it.
$ git checkout -b new-feature
Make the desired changes.
Commit the changes.
$ git commit -m "your commit message"
- Push to the branch.
$ git push -u origin new-feature
- Open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.