
RecordSilo - provides a local disc Silo (pairtree-based) to store digital objects in. Uses a JSON manifest and simple datastore. Doesn't provide indexing (but would suit being deployed with CouchDB).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Usage Example:

Creating a Silo and creating an object inside it

>>> from recordsilo import Silo
>>> # store_directory will be created if it doesn't already exist
... s = Silo("removeme")
>>> # Get an object - this will be created if it doesn't already exist
... p = s.get_item("doi://10.2302/1232")

Adding files

>>> # Add some files - the content of the files will be the string values following the names.
... # The 'True' declaration flags that this file is metadata of some sort
>>> p.put_stream("mods.xml", "<modsColl.....   />", True)
>>> p.put_stream("TXT.txt", "Textual item\n")
>>> # Add some binary files
... with open("/home/ben/important.rdf", "rb") as file:
...   p.put_stream("important.rdf", file)
>>> with open("/home/ben/Desktop/GDO.pdf", "rb") as file:
...   p.put_stream("GDO.pdf", file)


>>> p.versions
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf']
>>> p.currentversion

Adding a new version

>>> # Tries to autogen the next version. Uses the version cursor (p.currentversion) as a starting point
>>> p.increment_version()
>>> p.put_stream("ERR.err", "Something we don't want")
>>> p.put_stream("PDF", "Binary filehandle, something that supports .read()")
>>> p.del_stream("ERR.err")
>>> p.versions
['1', '2']
>>> p.files
>>> p.currentversion

The version cursor

>>> p.set_version_cursor("1")
>>> p.currentversion
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf']
>>> p.set_version_cursor("2")
>>> p.files

Cloning versions

>>> p.clone_version("1", "temp")
>>> p.currentversion
>>> p.put_stream("some.doc", "Binary filehandle, something that supports .read()")
>>> def print_mods(p):
...   with p.get_stream("mods.xml") as mods:
...     print mods.read()
>>> print_mods(p)
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf', 'some.doc']
>>> p.set_version_cursor("1")
>>> print_mods(p)
<modsColl.....   />
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf']

Cloning versions - using symlinks for files in clone rather than do a hard copy
>>> p.clone_version_delta('temp', 'temp2')

Renaming versions

>>> p.versions
['1', '2', 'temp']
>>> p.rename_version("temp", "3")
>>> p.versions
['1', '2', '3']

The JSON manifest:

>>> p
{'files': {'1': ['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf'], '3': ['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf', 'some.doc'], '2': ['PDF']}, 'versions': ['1', '2', '3'], 'item_id': 'doi://10.2302/1232', 'currentversion': '3', 'metadata_files': {'1': ['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf'], '3': ['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf', 'some.doc'], '2': ['PDF']}, 'date': u'2010-02-02T16:51:45.890655', 'version_dates': {'1': '2010-02-02T16:51:45.890655', '3': '2010-02-02T16:51:45.890655', '2': '2010-02-02T16:51:47.634459'}}


>>> p.set_version_cursor("2")
>>> p.files
>>> p.del_stream("PDF")
>>> p.files
>>> p.del_version("2")
>>> p.set_version_cursor("2")
ERROR:RecordSilo:Version 2 does not exist

Cloning while versioning up

>>> p.increment_version(date=None, clone_previous_version=True)
>>> p.currentversion
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf', 'some.doc']

Cloning while versioning up, using symlinks for files in clone rather than do a hard copy 

>>> p.increment_version_delta(date=None, clone_previous_version=True)
>>> p.currentversion
>>> p.files
['mods.xml', 'TXT.txt', 'important.rdf', 'GDO.pdf', 'some.doc']


>>> p.versions
['1', '3', '4']
>>> p.currentversion
>>> p.date
>>> p.set_version_cursor("1")
>>> p.date

The JSON metadata

>>> p.metadata
>>> p.metadata['dc:title'] = "Shakespearean sonnet"
>>> p.metadata
{'dc:title': 'Shakespearean sonnet'}
>>> p.sync()

Syncing to and reverting from disc

>>> # Metadata can be any data structure expressible in JSON
>>> p.metadata['listandDictdata'] = {'foo':['bar', 'baa', 'baaaaa'], 'sna':'fu'}
>>> p.metadata
{'listandDictdata': {'foo': ['bar', 'baa', 'baaaaa'], 'sna': 'fu'}, 'dc:title': 'Shakespearean sonnet'}
>>> The JSON manifest
>>> p
{'files': {'1': []}, 'versions': ['1'], 'date': '2010-02-02T17:39:50.282308', 'currentversion': '1', 'metadata_files': {'1': []}, 'item_id': '7', 'version_dates': {'1': '2010-02-02T17:39:50.282308'}, 'metadata': {'listandDictdata': {'foo': ['bar', 'baa', 'baaaaa'], 'sna': 'fu'}, 'dc:title': 'Shakespearean sonnet'}}
>>> # Sync the JSON manifest to disc
>>> p.sync()

>>> p.metadata['rubbish'] = "Whoops"
>>> p.metadata
{'listandDictdata': {'foo': ['bar', 'baa', 'baaaaa'], 'sna': 'fu'}, 'dc:title': 'Shakespearean sonnet', 'rubbish': 'Whoops'}

>>> # Reverting the manifest from the disc version.
>>> p.revert()
>>> p.metadata
{'listandDictdata': {'foo': ['bar', 'baa', 'baaaaa'], 'sna': 'fu'}, 'dc:title': 'Shakespearean sonnet'}

NB all stream writes cause a sync()