
Rails helper application to submit data papers from repositories to publishers

Primary LanguageCSS


Steps to install Data2paper

  1. Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv

    • Installed Ruby 2.4.2 rbenv install 2.4.2
    • Rails 5.1.4 (Did not run echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc as I didn't want to skip the docs)
    • Node.js for javascript runtime
  2. Install Hyrax pre-requisites

    1. Install Redis sudo apt-get install redis-server && sudo systemctl enable redis-server.service
    2. Install Sqlite sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
    3. Install Fits
      • Download Fits
        cd /home/appuser 
        wget http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/fits/files/fits-1.0.5.zip
        unzip fits-1.0.5.zip
      • Make fits.sh an executable
        cd fits-1.0.5/
        chmod a+x fits.sh
      • Test fits.sh -h return a value
        ./fits.sh -h
      • Add full path for fits.sh to $PATH Add the full path for fits.sh to $PATH
        Add this to the file ~/.profile
        vim ~/.profile
        After modifications, my path in the looks like
      • Also modify config/initializers/hyrax.rb and set the full path for fits in it
        config.fits_path = "/home/appuser/fits-1.0.5/fits.sh"
    4. Install Libre office for derivtaives
      If which soffice returns a path, you're done. if not,install libre office
      sudo apt install libreoffice-common
      Test which soffice returns a path
  3. Clone the Data2paper repository

  4. Install the gems

    bundle install
  5. Create the database

    bundle exec rake db:create
    • Currently need to change the password in config/database.yml
  6. Run the migrations

    bundle exec rake db:migrate
  7. Fetch Solr and Fedora and run the application

    bundle exec rails hydra:server
  8. Start background workers

  9. Create the default admin set

    bundle exec rails hyrax:default_admin_set:create
  10. Create an admin user
    Register a user for data2paper at http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up

    $ rails c
    admin = Role.create(name: "admin")
    admin.users << User.find_by_user_key( "your_admin_users_email@fake.email.org" )

    Then login using the URL http://localhost:3000/admin/sign_in?locale=en