
An exampe application using celery and inotify to monitor disk activity and report it on a web page using Flask

Primary LanguagePython

This is a small web application created using Using Python, Celery, Flask, and SQLite, which will scan the local folders and get information about the files, size, age, etc.  The web interface has 2 API endpoints:
  - list of all files (@/files)
  - information about single file. (@/file)
result should be displayed in JSON format 

To run:
1. Modify the config file diskMonitorConfig.py to suit your environemnt
   SCAN_LOCATIONS	is a list containing all the directories or files that you want monitored for changes
   DATABASE	name of the sqlite database
   TABLE	Name of the table used within sqlite

1. Make sure rabbitmq is running
    sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start

2. Start the celery worker
    celery -A notifyTask worker --loglevel=info

3. Start python console and type

from notifyTask import monitorDisk

4. Run Flask
    python webui.py

Visit in your browser

two endpoints

   Get : list of files 
      format (= html or json)

   GET : lists the file attributes
      path (= path to file on disk)
      format (= html or json)