Maker Party is Mozilla's global campaign to teach the web, with help from thousands of volunteers and community-run events around the world. Maker Party unites educators, organizations and enthusiastic web users with hands-on learning and making. More Information on Maker Party
Maker Party is a Campaign that is all about making, after organizing few maker parties and getting thrilled with makes generated during the event, I thought of making something on my own. CSS has been my favorite web scripting so I planned on to go ahead with some CSS mix-ups. I choose to remake the Maker Party resources (logo and word mark), because I didn't find one.
It has been an year since since I used the extreme features in CSS to make logo's or shapes, my previous experiments with CSS :
To make it easier to understand the CSS styles are arranged into different files.
contains the CSS that make the hexagonal shapesletters.css
contains the CSS that makes the Maker Party Word-mark
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