Pomodoro Website

Welcome to the Pomodoro Website repository! This web application is designed to help users boost their productivity using the Pomodoro technique. With the Pomodoro technique, you can break your work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. It's a proven method for maintaining focus and increasing productivity.


  • Timer: The core of my website is the Pomodoro timer. Set the timer for your work session, and it will alert you when it's time to take a break.

  • Adjustable Timings: My Pomodoro website allows you to customize both focus and break timings to suit your work style. You can easily configure these settings for a personalized productivity experience.

  • User-Friendly Instructions: I've included clear and concise instructions within the app to ensure a smooth user experience. Operating my Pomodoro timer is a breeze, even for first-time users.

  • Future Developments: I have exciting plans for the future, including the addition of login and signup functionality, enabling you to track your streaks and access even more productivity-enhancing features.


If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us:


Feel free to connect with me via email or through my GitHub repository. I'am open to suggestions, feedback, and collaboration opportunities.

Thank you for your interest in my project, and I am looking forward to work together!📧🌐

Pomodoro Timer Pomodoro Timer Pomodoro Timer Pomodoro Timer