
This is Instagram Bot. This will login your Instagram account. Follow Users, Unfollow Users, Remove Profile Photo

Primary LanguagePython


All Contributors

This is Instagram Bot.

Version of Software

Version : V 1.0.0

Requirements To use this Tool

First You must have Chrome WebDriver for use this Tool.

  1. Sys Librabry
  2. Selenium Library
  3. Time Library

GuideLines To Use This Tool

  1. First Change the username with Your Username and Password with Your Instagram Password.
  2. You have to Change Your WebDriver's .exe Path at Line No-11.
  3. For Sending Messages To Specific User You have to Change the Username whose you want to send the Message.
  4. You Should Change the Message what you want to send.
  5. For Follow or Unfollow Specific User then use the Functions and Specify 'username' in Arguments To Follow or UnFollow a Specific User.

Discord Channel



Thanks For Using This Tool. Hope You Enjoy This Tool. New Update With Some New Features Will Updated Soon.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Muthu Annamalai.V


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!