
Primary LanguageJava


The project development team:


  • Register length REG IP_address port_no username length REGOK no_nodes IP_1 port_1 IP_2 port_2

    no_ nodes – Number of node entries that are going to be returned by the registry 0 – request is successful, no nodes in the system 1 or 2 – request is successful, 1 or 2 nodes' contacts will be returned 9999 – failed, there is some error in the command 9998 – failed, already registered to you, unregister first 9997 – failed, registered to another user, try a different IP and port 9996 – failed, can’t register. BS full

  • Unregister length UNREG IP_address port_no username length UNROK value

    value – Indicate success or failure 0 – successful 9999 – error while unregistering. IP and port may not be in the registry or command is incorrect

  • Join length JOIN priority IP_address port_no length JOINOK value

    value – Indicate success or failure 0 – successful 9998 – new node already added to routing table 9999 – error while adding new node to routing table

  • Leave length LEAVE IP_address port_no length LEAVEOK value

    value – Indicate success or failure 0 – successful 9999 – error while removing node from routing table

  • Search length SER IP port file_name hops length SEROK no_files IP port hops filename1 filename2 ... ...

    no_files – Number of results returned ≥ 1 – Successful 0 – no matching results. Searched key is not in key table 9999 – failure due to node unreachable 9998 – some other error

  • Error length ERROR

  • Example 0047 SER 5070 "Lord of the rings" 7776 JOIN 1 7777 7777 DISCON