test mvn deploy1
This software is created to demonstrate Apache Bigtop for processing big data sets.
The application consists of the following modules
- generator: generates raw data on the dfs
- clustering: Apache Mahout demo code for processing the data using Itembased Collaborative Filtering
- Pig: demo code for processing the data using Apache Pig
- Hive: demo code for processing the data using Apache Hive demo code
- Crunch: demo code for processing the data using Apache Crunch
mvn clean package will build the bigpetstore jar
Run Intergration tests with
- Pig profile: mvn clean verify -P pig
- Crunch profile: mvn clean verify -P crunch
- Hive provile:
First, see and run the setuphive.sh script. Read it and try to under stand what it does.
mvn clean verify -P pig
run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to create an IDE loadable project.
open .classpath and add
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src/integration/java" including="**/*.java"/>
import the project into eclipse
The bigpetstore project exemplifies the hadoop ecosystem for newcomers, and also for benchmarking and comparing functional space of tools.
The end goal is to run many different implementations of each phase using different tools, thus exemplifying overlap of tools in the hadoop ecosystem, and allowing people to benchmark/compare tools using a common framework and easily understood use case
- Phase 1: Generating pet store data:
The first step is to generate a raw data set. This is done by the "GeneratePetStoreTransactionsInputFormat":
The first MapReduce job in the pipeline runs a simple job which takes this input format and forwards its output. The result is a list of "transactions". Each transaction is a tuple of the format
- Phase 2: Processing the data
The next phase of the application processes the data to create basic aggregations. For example with both pig and hive these could easily include
Number of transactions by state or Most valuable customer by state or Most popular items by state
Phase 3: Clustering the states by all fields
Now, say we want to cluster the states, so as to put different states into different buying categories for our marketing team to deal with differently.
Phase 4: Visualizing the Data in D3.
- try it on the gh-pages branch
wget s3://bigpetstore/bigpetstore.jar
hadoop bigpetstore.jar org.bigtop.bigpetstore.generator.BPSGenerator 1000000 bigpetstore/gen
hadoop bigpetstore.jar org.bigtop.bigpetstore.etl.PigCSVCleaner gen/ pig/ custom_pigscript.pig ... (will add more steps as we add more phases to the workflow) ...
Put the jar in s3. Right now there is a copy of it at the url below.
Download the elastic-mapreduce ruby shell script. create your "credentials.json" file.
Now run this to generate 1,000,000 pet store transactions:
./elastic-mapreduce --create --jar s3://bigpetstore/bigpetstore.jar
--main-class org.bigtop.bigpetstore.generator.BPSGenerator
--num-instances 10 --arg 1000000
--arg s3://bigpetstore/output
--hadoop-version "2.2.0"
--master-instance-type m1.medium
--slave-instance-type m1.medium
- Go on processing the data:
./elastic-mapreduce --create --jar s3://bigpetstore/bigpetstore.jar
--main-class org.bigtop.bigpetstore.generator.BPSGenerator
--num-instances 10
--arg 1000000
--arg s3://bigpetstore/data/generated
--hadoop-version "2.2.0"
--master-instance-type m1.medium
--slave-instance-type m1.medium
Replace the above "main-class", and "--arg" options with --main-class org.bigtop.bigpetstore.etl.PigCSVCleaner --arg s3://bigpetstore/data/generated --arg s3://bigpetstore/data/pig_out (note about pig: We support custom pig scripts.... for EMR, custom pig scripts will need to point to a local path, so youll have to put that script on the machine as part of EMR setup w/ a custom script).
And so on.