
Use Google Colab GPU's and TPU's via an ssh connection locally in your device.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use Google Colab GPU's and TPU's via an ssh connection locally in your device.

license python version


Installation is easy!

$ pip install VSColab

Using this package we can ssh into the Google Colab instance and also perform remote developement using VSCode.

What's New in 0.1.4:

  • GetSSH() function automates the process of getting the Tunnel URL.

Getting Started:

  • Install the package
  • Use the Connect() function to create an Ngrok tunnel, by passing a password string as a parameter.
  • Then Enter the Authentication Key (which can be obtained from:https://dashboard.ngrok.com/auth/your-authtoken) and press Enter.
  • To get the ssh command, run the GetSSH() function.
  • Use the VSconfig() function to get the contents for the VSCode Config file, by passing the Tunnel URL (which can be obtained from the GetSSH() function).
  • To kill the tunnel, use the Kill() function.

Colab starter notebook:

Open In Colab

Remote development with VSCode:

  • First create a tunnel using the Connect() function.
  • Use the VSconfig() function to get the contents for the VSCode Config file, by passing the Tunnel URL (which can be obtained from the GetSSH() function).
  • Then install the remote-ssh plugin in VSCode, and click the button at the bottom left corner.
  • Then select the Open Configuration Files.. option and enter the copied text there.
  • Then select the Connect to Host.. option and Enter the password when asked.
  • Viola!! A fully functional Development environment powered by the GPU's and TPU's of Google Colab


If the command $ nvidia-smi doesn't work in the ssh session, simply type :

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64-nvidia/libnvidia-ml.so

Then press Enter.