
A job search app. Developed as a part of devChallenges Front-End Developer Challenge.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Solution for the Github Jobs Challenge from Devchallenges.io.

Table of Contents


Challenge: Create a job search using an API. Use Front-end libraries like React or Vue.

Fulfill user stories below:

  • User story: I can see a list of jobs in a city by default
  • User story: I can search for jobs with a given keyword
  • User story: I can search for jobs with a city name, zip code, or other location
  • User story: I can select one option from at least 4 pre-defined options
  • User story: I can search for a full-time job only
  • User story: I can see a list of jobs with their logo, company name, location, and posted time.
  • User story: When I select a job, I can see job descriptions and how to apply like the given design.
  • User story: When I am on the job details page, I can go back to the search page
  • User story (optional): I can see a list of jobs in the closest city from my location by default
  • User story (optional): I can see jobs on different pages, 5 items on each page


Since the Github Jobs API has been deprecated, I have used local data from the file data.js to mock the API response.

All user stories except the optional ones have been fulfilled.

  • For searching using keywords, the job-title, location, and some predefined keywords defined in the jobs object in data.js have been used.
  • Searching for jobs based on city, zip-code and country have been fulfilled using grouped select options of react-select.
  • The routing has been made possible using react-routers.


Find the site in action here!

Home Page


Home Page - Mobile View


Jobs Page


Jobs Page - Mobile View


Built With

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and yarn. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/anuva312/GithubJobsChallenge-devChallenges

# Install dependencies
$ yarn install

# Run the app
$ yarn start
