This archive contains the scripts to replicate the experiment for our paper "Can we leverage rating patterns from traditional users to enhance recommendations for children?" published in ACM RecSys by - Ion Madrazo Azpiazu, Michael Green, Oghenemaro Anuyah, and Maria Soledad Pera.
- Java
- An R, Jupyter, Python, and Tidyverse installation.
- The MovieLens 1M dataset, extracted into Data/input (you should have directory Data/ml-1m)
- Any dataset containing ratings provided by children extracted into Data/input
Steps to run:
- Install required software and data files enlisted in requirements. These directories and files should be present upon doing so: -Data/input/ml-1m (e.g. data/ml-1m/ratings.dat) -Data/input/childrens_data (e.g., any children ratings file)
Run Jupyter notebook:
- Create_Experimental_Datasets/Data_creation_notebook.ipynb
Run LibReC Experiment:
- Input_Analysis/
Visualize user-rating activity:
- Rating_Distribution_in_datasets.ipynb